Codification of indicators of the resilience of Iranian news agencies in the stage of reconstruction and rehabilitation of natural crises management

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Media Management, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Media Management and Public Relations, Islamic Azad University, Iran


Mass media such as news agencies, due to their ability to direct public opinion, play a key role in various stages of the crisis, including the reconstruction and recovery phase, so that by defining and implementing their positive and intrinsic roles, they can increase the resilience capacity of society. However, the prerequisite for this assistance is that they can maintain their original status after the emergency and continue to provide services; In other words, be resilient. To make media resilient, the first step can be to measure how well they perform, and in fact, how resilient that media is in the face of crises. This issue is based on providing indicators that show the performance of the media in the face of crises. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop the performance indicators of the resilience of Iranian news agencies in natural crises in the reconstruction and recovery phase. In this qualitative research, the data were collected using a systematic review of resources and also a semi-structured interview with 12 subject matter experts and analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis of research data led to the introduction of 3 comprehensive themes (as dimensions) including "learning development", "news continuity", and "monitoring and follow-up", under which 5 components are "monitoring the actions of officials", "take care of the environment and public opinion ", "Experience Writing", "Futuristic Education" and "Situational Reporting". Finally, 12 indicators were identified and presented as performance indicators of the resilience of Iranian news agencies in the stage of reconstruction and recovery of natural crises.


Main Subjects

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