Social Analysis of the Aq Qala County Flood Based on Politicized Institutional Analysis and Development (PIAD) Framework

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Planning, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Urban Planning, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Floods are now recognized as complex and multifaceted phenomena With the emergence of new driving forces and factors, and a shift toward non-physical and non-engineering paradigms, a variety of approaches and strategies intertwined with human activities have developed for flood management. Community-based approaches are one of the well-known approaches in the field of Crisis and natural disaster management which shows the importance of the position of social groups and communities in the cycle of disaster management for the enhancement of community empowerment and participatory management. While these approaches offer numerous benefits in reducing the negative impacts of disasters, they also face challenges such as insufficient inter-sectoral cooperation, lack of resources, and limited decision-making authority at the local level. In the last three decades, institutionalism and neo-institutionalism have become pioneering theories in the Field of sustainable urban management for sustainable urban management, including the management of risks such as destructive urban floods as a frequent and harmful risk. By emphasizing the role of institutions in lawmaking, inter-organizational coordination, and public awareness, these theories offer solutions to reduce community vulnerability to hazards such as floods. They aim to create appropriate structures and foster cooperation among all stakeholders. The purpose of this research is to examine the structural and institutional capacities and shortcomings of Aqqala County in disaster management, focusing on the 2019 flood and adopting with community-based approach. A mixed-methods research (quantitative and qualitative) utilizes the Political Institutional Analysis Development (PIAD) framework as a comprehensive tool for institutional analysis. Data for this study were collected through a researcher-developed questionnaire and a survey of 400 residents of Aqqala County in 2023. These data were compared with secondary data from credible national social sources collected during the 2019 flood. The socio-institutional analysis deficiencies the social dimensions supporting the need for serious revisions to public sphere the of society in the long-term, community-oriented, participatory, and sustainable management of urban floods.


Main Subjects

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